16 December 2010

The war has finally end ^^

yup!! today is the last day of STPM XD !!!! however, i think i already in my holiday mood long time ago, so there is not much to excited about actually. What i wanna say about this STPM is
- i really really can't tell what grade i gonna get
- REALLY!! i mean it.....
- the worst exam ever.....even worse than my trial T.T ( my performance has dropped from PMR to SPM and then to STPM, in economic way, can say as bearish la)
- it is unpredictable......
- the way they ask the questions is not like the one prepared by school teacher, or i should say sometimes the question is too straight forward until u don't know want to give what answer.or too weird maybe, never see this kind of question before. so in the end, lose marks again.....
- everyone seems done very well except me. ( as a result of overconfident to myself until not motivated to study )
- i hope they reduce the marks for getting grade A, pleassssseeeeeeee, i need A's so hardly~~
- i just want to enter local university with the course i want, what scholarship, studying oversea... it's not so important to me already, i have learn to accept my fade since i enter form 6, pleasssssssseeeeeee!!!!!!!!!

here are my comments for each paper i have taken

23/11/10 tuesday
pengajian am paper 2
God! lack of vocab during writting the essays, bahagian C also done very badly, graph is the part that i think i can get the marks, bahagian E...... forgot to write the word "anggaran", whole essay gone.....

25/11/10 thursday
physics paper 2
A lot os mistakes! blank for the first question, the question ask me to draw 'lines' and i draw only one line, the graph of replusive force and attractive force against distance also draw wrongly, "conduction" write as "convection", dunno how to calculate energy...............
my phy 2 die......

1/12/10 wednesday
chemistry paper 2
the questions is so weird, dunno how to answer, confuse about the equations, the question ask haloalkane and i answer as carbonyl.......... it's not i don't know the mechanism, but i messed up everything, it's so unforgivable,lose marks AGAIN!!!

6/12/10 monday
pegajian am paper 1
blame myself for watching tv the whole day and think that i will be able to finish the syllybus, in the end, wrong more than 10 questions, it makes me fall into a dangerous situation to get an A for paper 1. besides, i need my paper 1 to save my PA.

9/12/10 thursday
mathematics paper 1
erm, i think i can answer most of the questions well, compare to our school trial paper, it is much more easier. although i can answer, that doesn't mean i answer all of them correctly, so, still very worry............

14/12/10 tuesday
physics paper 1
mathematisc paper 2
WT?? 2 papers in 1 day?? die liao..... ask i said, phy 1 die til very gai, i only starts my revision at 4 am, and the exam starts at 8 am...... maths 2 is harder than maths 1, left one questions blank, some parts of some questions blank, some questions answer wrongly, but overall still okay, i think la.

16/12/10 thursday
chemistry paper 1
already ignore it after finished maths 2, same as phy 1, only starts my revision at 4 am, in the end, i dare not check how many wrong answer i have made...........die again................

so, there is nothing i can do already, except praying to god everyday, we will see the results few months later....................

hui yin

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