16 February 2011


hi there~~

here i come again >.<
today i am going to write about the class i attend two days ago, will be updating the post during cny soon, i hope.

okay, just to inform, to be a barista, certainly you need to attend classes, or else the training program won't be complete. since they will not open class unless there is enough people, i have to wait until now only i can go for the class. 14th february was my first day of class, valentine's day, easy to remember, pity to those couple who need to sacrifice their time on that day. according to my senior, this class is a big class, a total of 20++ new barista, and the place they use to held the class was our store, so good, i am more familiar with our store :) so, the class started at 10 am, i reached there around 9.30 am, saw a lot of people with same uniform. our facilitators for the first days were Emily, 1st avernue's store manager and Akmal, gurney tower's store manager. they are very friendly. to me, the class is quite boring, then we have our lunch at the food court, just imagine a huge crowd of people wearing black shirt black pants sitting together. then go back class again. that day we do a lot of coffee testing, we tried house blend, sulawesi, kenya and also a supermarket's brand coffee, just to let us differentiate starbucks coffee beans and other coffee beans. besides that, we also tried low fat milk and full cream milk to experience the diffence between the body of the milks, seriously orange to learn what is called acidity and also sarsi to taste the flavour. luciky we didn't get diarrhoea after this. although the class is quite boring, we actually learned a lot of new things about starbucks and also coffee. in conclusion, coffee ia an art, learning the knowledge about coffee is fun. after working at starbusks for one and a half months, i only realise starbucks is a big family.before that, i only heard seniors said he or she is from where, what happen to this store, that store, never fell connected to them cuz i know non of them, but now i know a lot of people from different store, maybe i dunno all of them, at least we meet before, now i have friends from 1st avenue, island plaza, gurney plaza, straits quay, queensbay mall and pragin mall, i think that's it la, boarders and gurney tower didn't send new barista this time, whoa~ it's a really big family i tell you. starbucks is a great place to work at, you can feel the friendlyness among all partners, like what we are creating for the customer, i love starbucks so much
on the second day of class, Eric, the store manager of straits quay taught us about bar, a lot of knowledge we have learned tat day. besides, all of us have the chance to do two drinks, after that oni know that caramel macchiato actually taste not bad, oh yea, it was the 1st drink i have in starbucks. luckily no more coffee testing that day, two tall size coffee is enough to cause insomnia >.<>
hui yin

14 February 2011


此刻的我 很想哭


为许多事情烦恼 担心




明天 后天有课





hui yin

12 February 2011

我 。emo

老实说,我并不喜欢和认识的人一起工作,因为我会感觉很不自在,我在工作时跟在学校时更本就是判若两人。在学校我很少讲话,在别人眼中是一个很严肃,很 cool ,很凶,很难相处的人,难听点就是很骄傲的那种人,虽然我至今没听说过有人那样讲我啦,不过我一直都感觉到我会给别人距离感。在工作时,我可以跟他们有说有笑,一起疯狂,很友善,还有一些在学校里更本不会看到的性格,所以每当有熟人在时我就会变成那个沉默寡言,很 cool 的我,因为他们没见过另一个我,一旦另一个我出现了,我就会成为他们口中所谓的假惺惺,很会演戏的那种人。其实我并不是不想然别人看见另一个我,只是我一直都找不到机会表达,也不会表达,可能我看过许多失败的例子吧,有多少人会了解我的用意,就连与我最铁的朋友我也不敢保证,我给人们的第一印象已经成了定局,很难在改变他们对我的看法了,所以,一直以来,大家只看过其中一个我而已。这也是为什么我不喜欢 form 6 的其中一个原因,我无法接受别人突然的转变,自然的我也转变不了, form 6 对我来说,很假,很不习惯,很不喜欢。每当我第一次来到一个新的地方时,那一天的我将会决定接下我会是一个怎样的人,很遗憾的,我第一天进入 form 6 时十分不习惯,所以不爱说话,不去参人,结果就演变成现在的结局。反而我第一天进入 starbucks 时是以很开朗的心情,没有人知道我过去是怎样的人,所以我很自在,不必担心些什么。上次去 NS 是我也是蛮不自在的,认识的人实在太多了,会说闲言闲语的人也不少。其实,starbucks 一直都在请人,不只是给我们的 store,也包括给其他 store,他们一直都在问我有没有朋友想工作,但我从来都没问过其他人,你可以说我自私,但我只是为我自己着想而已,人不为己天诛地灭。
今天听说有一位我认识的人前阵子来 interview ,目前在考虑当中,而偏偏她的性格是我超不喜欢的那种,被我列入 "假" 的名单里的成员之一,依我看,这份工作不适合她,她那么千金小姐,承受得了吗?连我都觉得蛮吃力的,如果真的能在这里工作的话, 那么她真的是假到不能再假了,金像奖有望了,对不起,我实话实说而已,我不想跟认识的人一起工作,尤其是与我性格和不来的人,希望你可以找到另一份更适合你的工作,这里不像 form 6 。
半夜写 blog 就是这样,从头 emo 到尾。下星期就要拿成绩了,很紧张....................

hui yin