好久没有好好上来这里写部落格了,其实今天有点累了,但不知为什么,我就是想写,真的好久好久没认真去面对了。。。累,非常适合形容现在的我,无论哪一方面,我都累了。。。ya, i am totally exhausted, mentally and physically, i am so so so tired............ 上大学的事,一直烦着我,最近不知怎么的,不想接受所谓上天的安排,似乎已懂得为自己的梦想而拼命,这世界上没有不劳而获的东西,不过。。。。真的好累。。。追求梦想,好辛苦。。。不想留下遗憾,所以一直到现在还放不下,但是明知道前面是一道墙,还硬硬闯。。。为了它,我需要放弃好多东西,为了它,我需要加倍努力,为了它,我需要大胆的赌一把,但我又不能保障我会得到它,啊!!!!! 累。。。。简单的路不选,偏偏选那充满荆棘,会伤害自己的路,这是自虐吗?或许是的。。。huh.... i think there is something wrong with me, definately... people keep on telling me try it, go ahead, you can do it, don't give up, follow your heart.... u think it is so easy ar, i know how high is my standard, you aren't me, that's why it looks so easy to you. i know i can't compete with them, i know there are lots of people better than me, i have not enough knowledge, i am not hardworking enough, i have no confidence to myself, i have no courage, i have nothing, why should i be the choosen one? i already know i can't get the scholarship, why should i dissapointed myself? huh............ i am really so tired...... 疯狂的举动,不是我的风格,没有把握的事情,我不会去做,对,我就是没有安全感。。。。我走不出我的 comfort zone, 因为我害怕失去,我怕再次选择错的路,我害怕失败,我怕我承受不了。。。我怕很多东西。。。真的要这么做吗?看来我不只累了,还有疯了。。。hahaha...... 怎么办?敢敢去?我需要很大的勇气。。。怎么办?怎么办?时间不多了。。。
最近学会了一些事情,或许该说我早就知道了,只是前阵子尝试去推翻之前的想法而已。我早就知道对某件事情或东西不应该放太多感情在里面,因为受伤的会是自己,但不知道为什么,我好像在starbucks 那里投入了许多感情,因为那样,所以在那里我会很开心,现在已离不开那里了。。。是好事还是坏事呢?tired................. just came back from store 2 hours ago, later need to go store again, so sleepy right now, but then if i sleep right now, for sure i can't wake up d, how??
this few weeks working from morning till night, crazy d, last week working 3 days back-to-back in a row, yesterday opening at new world park then closing at gurney tower then go back store for spking cleaning than later opening at NWP then middle at GT, siao liao.............. @.@ i think no matter what i still need to take a nap, or else...... i dunno what will happen...... nite......
hui yin
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